28 jun 2016

Bestiariu en concierto en el Botánico de Gijón

2 de xunetu (21.30 h.): Bestiariu en conciertu 
Tres l'ésitu del discu Bestiaru, llega agora "Bestiaru en conciertu". La puesta n'escena d'esti trabayu coral axunta a diez renomaos grupos y artistes asturianos. Son: FMM, FELPEYU, LOS BONSÁIS, PAULINE EN LA PLAYA, NACHO ALVAREZ (ex Manta Ray) Y EL QUARTETO BENDICIÓN, GUILLER MOMONJE, LA VILLANA (Natalia Quintana), DIXEBRA, MUGA Y EL CORIN DE LA RECIELLA y DAVID VARELA CON POP PIQUIÑIN (Petit Pop).
L'oxetivu del proyeutu, nel que cada participante collaboró con un cantar orixinal, yera facer un discu n'asturianu que, calteniendo la esencia y estilu de cada artista, pudiera disfrutalu tola familia, por eso los animales son el filu conductor. Un llobu bonu, dos oricios, un gochin o una sacavera, son dellos de los protagonistes d'esta decena de cantares que formen "Bestiaru" y qu'agora van poder sentise en direutu.

El conciertu tiene una duración de 1 hora aproximadamente, y nelli, les bandes y artistes , amás d'interpretar los temes incluyíos nel discu, van tocar otros del so repertoriu tamién n'asturianu empobinaos a un públicu familiar.

PRECIU:7 € (de baldre pa menores de 3 años)
VENTA D'ENTRAES (a partir del vienres 10 de xunu) en:

15 jun 2016

Cloudberry Cake Proselytism: "More memories from Popfest"

"Saturday was at Baby’s All Right for an early afternoon show. It was free and who can complain about that? It was packed naturally even though none of the bands are very well known in the US, or at least that’s the impression I have. I had a very quick Indian lunch a couple of blocks away as I was running very late sadly. At least I had to be there at 3pm to catch Los Bonsáis who I had seen before in Madrid Popfest but I utterly love their songs, so just couldn’t miss them. It was a bit stressful because of the train situation in Brooklyn, with several lines, like the F or the G, not stopping at their usual stops and so on. But we made it at 3pm, just on time when Los Bonsáis were playing their first song. Their was still some space in the front so we managed to get there. Vernon was already there, and we saw out friend José from Chicago who we had been missing the previous days.

As expected they were marvelous, Nel and Helena opened with “Nordeste” and ended their set with a cover of the Vaselines’ “Son of a Gun”, translated to Spanish as “Hijo del Señor”. They even had a couple of their friends get on stage to sing with them this last song. Before that they had played my favourite “Ultramarinos” and a Television Personalities cover, “Punks a Tiempo Parcial”."

Roque Ruiz
